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Contact Mehtods

You’re missing 71.4% of preferred contact methods.

People buy the way they want to. It’s a fact. The world has got used to ordering an uber, getting food delivered from any restaurant immediately, and getting anything they bought sometimes the same day. Here’s how communicating with you looks to potential new business.

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You’re currently missing 71.4% of the preferred contact methods.
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The Importance

Technology has made it so that anyone can find out anything about a business or a product. In just a few seconds, people can be browsing what your latest customer said on Google about you. Or Yelp. Or Facebook. The list goes on. But why does it really matter? The answer is without question, yes.

When we ran our analysis of, you are currently missing 5 common ways that people want to reach you to buy your services. Open up the ways people can communicate with you will increase the number of leads you get each year. You’ll increase your score, but more importantly, you’ll increase the ways that new customers can reach you.

Our clients had nearly 1.2 million chats in the last two years, and chat volume is up 60% over the last two years.

Ready to transform your business and reach more people? Get Started