Insights Portal

Do Google My Business the right way.

More people use Google to find a local business than any other website. The Google My Business part of Google is used to read reviews, look at pictures, get directions and to contact you. Doing this right and taking advantage of its features will increase your leads and revenue.

Thomas & Paulk scored a 66 out of 100 for the Google My Business review that we conducted.

Improving this score will help you:

  1. Reach more people.
  2. Increase the number of customers you get from Google searches.
  3. Improve your positioning and the experience visitors have.
66Let’s get to 100
Here’s the initial findings from our Google My Business audit.
  • We detected 3 pictures, it’s recommended to have at least 10. Show your smiling staff, your office, and give people a quick feel about who you are. Quality matters, so don’t just post anything.
  • Your website and contact information matched, which is good.
  • We detected your hours of service.
  • You haven’t posted anything recently. Posting good information shows that you are a real business and are making an effort to engage with your customers.
  • Your last review was 3 months ago. It’s ideal to get a new review at least weekly.
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