Insights Portal
Search Engine Ranking

The best way to get new customers? Get them for free.

Having your business show up in search engine results, map results and directories as high as possible drives more business your way.

Thomas & Paulk scored a 66 out of 100 for the ranking review that we conducted.

Improving this score will help you:

  1. Reach more people who find you when searching.
  2. Increase the number of visitors you get from search engines.
  3. Grow the number of new customers you acquire online.
11Let’s get to 100
Here’s How We See You Ranking Over Time

Below is how we see showing up in some common and important search terms.

Ranking Over Time Last 90 Days
  • 0 Leads
  • 0 Impressions
  • $0 Spend
  • $0.00 CPL
  • 0 Leads
  • 0 Impressions
  • $0 Spend
  • $0.00 CPL
  • 0 Leads
  • 0 Impressions
  • $0 Spend
  • $0.00 CPL
  • 0 Leads
  • 0 Impressions
  • $0 Spend
  • $0.00 CPL
  • 0 Leads
  • 0 Impressions
  • $0 Spend
  • $0.00 CPL
  • 0 Leads
  • 0 Impressions
  • $0 Spend
  • $0.00 CPL
  • 0 Leads
  • 0 Impressions
  • $0 Spend
  • $0.00 CPL
  • 0 Leads
  • 0 Impressions
  • $0 Spend
  • $0.00 CPL
  • 0 Leads
  • 0 Impressions
  • $0 Spend
  • $0.00 CPL
  • 0 Leads
  • 0 Impressions
  • $0 Spend
  • $0.00 CPL
  • 0 Leads
  • 0 Impressions
  • $0 Spend
  • $0.00 CPL
  • Trampa Drug Possession Attorney
  • Tampa Drug Trafficking Attorney
  • Tampa Rape Laywer
  • Tampa Theft Crime Attorney
Top 3 Rankings:
  • Tampa Criminal Attorney #9
  • Tampa Criminal Defense Lawyer #7
  • Tampa Drug Crimes Lawyer #15

“According to Moz, the first page of Google captures 71% of search traffic clicks and has been reported to be as high as 92% in recent years.”

Search engine ranking is based on a number of factors that Google and other search engines process in order to determine who comes up. There are good (long term) and bad (short term) ways to get there.

Just a few important factors to consider are:
  1. Is your website experience score high?
  2. How fast is your website?
  3. How well is your website written?
  4. Are people reviewing and linking to you?
  5. Do you have valuable information?
  6. Is your website relevant to the searches being performed?
  7. Do people stay on your website and learn or quickly leave?
  8. Are you properly set up in important directories?
  9. Do you use social media?
  10. Do you follow search engine best practices?

By getting one more of your terms to rank in the top 3, you can increase your Search Engine Ranking score by 15 points!

Ready to transform your business and reach more people? Get Started