Insights Portal
Video usage

Tell your story, and inspire more customers.

Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube - people watch more video content than ever before. Over 1 billion videos are watched every day on YouTube alone. Leverage video to build trust, tell your story, and inspire future customers to choose you.

Thomas & Paulk scored a 0 out of 100 for the video review that we conducted.

Improving this score will help you:

  1. Tell consistency across the web where people find you.
  2. Increase the ways that people can find and learn about your business.
  3. Improve the conversion of your marketing.
0Let’s get to 100
Here’s the initial findings from our video audit.
  • We did not detect any video on your home page
  • We did not detect any video on your website
  • We detected a no longer in use technology called Flash, which should be immediately removed as it creates a bad user experience and is not supported in most browsers.

“Brands that use video for marketing are growing their revenue 49% faster than brands that aren’t.”

-Media Post Survey
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