Insights Portal
Website Experience

Creating a great experience can increase revenue by itself.

Trust is immediately won or lost when your website loads. During those few seconds,
the decision is often made to choose you or someone else.

Your website - - scored a 25 out of 100 for the experience that a potential customer has when they first visit your site.

Improving this score will help improve performance in three important areas:

  1. Convert more visitors to leads
  2. Improve your ranking and search engine performance
  3. Improve any advertising you run
91Let’s get to 100
The Importance

Your website can be one of your biggest marketing assets. It’s truly the center of your business’ digital universe, and when it performs and does its job, everything you do online improves as a result of it. Your website is far more than just a website. It’s your biggest sales & marketing tool. It needs to tell the story of your business. Most importantly, it has to work to convince people that you are the right company for them. Websites get old just like cars do, and there’s always something new coming out to improve performance and utilize better technology. Invest in your website, and it can pay you back many times over.

Score Breakdown

In order to improve your website experience, here are a few key areas you can focus on.

Website Speed

Google uses website speed to help rank websites. It does this because it knows that website speed helps people get the information they want quickly, regardless of the level of access to high-speed internet that they have. The lower the speed, the worse you are penalized.


Google has determined that your website ( speed on a desktop browser is a 55. It’s recommended to be above 80, and ideally in the 90s. Besides improving the score, fixing your website speed will improve the experience that your visitors have when visiting


Google has determined that your website speed on a mobile device is a 35. It’s also recommended to be above 80, and ideally in the 90s. People on mobile devices don’t always have the highest speeds, so it’s very important to deliver a good experience quickly. Delays have proven to cause people to leave and find someone else. Even if they aren’t as good as you, their website might be better.

Getting your desktop and mobile page speed into the 90s would increase your Website Experience Score by 19 points!

“Scorpion analyzed hundreds of thousands of visitors to websites across the country. The websites with the highest speed scores saw a 40% increase in conversion over those with low page scores.”


Your website is not secure. For many years, search engines and browsers expect websites to be secure. It’s the accepted standard. There is no reason to not be secure. This is an absolute critical fix to make right away. Not only will it deliver confidence to your users, but search engines use this as a signal of a safe website. These rank higher. Secure websites get a higher score.

Getting secure would increase your Website Experience Score by 11 points!


Your website contains broken links. This could have an impact on your ranking, and could cause negative experiences with your website users.

Have your marketing team go through the site and fix all of the broken links. It’s an important maintenance item for all websites. Doing so will increase your Website Experience score by 5 points.

Mobile Friendly

We’ve analyzed over 5 million unique visitors to home service businesses over the last 3 years. Of those 5 million visitors, 67% of them come from a mobile device. Over 2/3rds of all people looking for a home service provider do so on a mobile device. Therefore, it’s mission critical to have a great website, that loads fast, and is mobile friendly - meaning that they can easily access and use your site like you would any major company. Good news is that you passed the last part, which is that you are mobile friendly.

You are mobile friendly, so you earned points for that. It’s always good to visit your website yourself on a phone and think through the eyes of the potential customer. Does the site do the job you think it should to tell your important story?

Website Quality

With the dramatic changes that have taken place with websites and website technology, it’s important that your design, messaging and website take advantage of the latest marketing best practices and technology to help convert more visitors to leads. As it stands today, the website you have at looks like it could use a fresh facelift and some of those best practices.

Your website is due for a redesign and an upgrade. Doing this will improve your website experience score by 33 points. That’s a big win!

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